How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aids
You rely on your hearing aids for your day-to-day activities, which makes any kind of repair issue inconvenient to deal with. Because hearing aid repairs can be frustrating to deal with, it’s important to know what you can do to keep your devices in optimal shape. Of course, there are some instances where you can’t prevent a…
Hearing Aids and Insurance
If you have scheduled a hearing test in the near future, then knowing what to expect during this process can be hugely beneficial to your peace of mind. While it is impossible to predict precisely which tests your audiologist may need to conduct, below, we have provided a thorough explanation of the most common hearing tests currently…
Latest Hearing Technology
Hearing aid technology was, for a long time, stuck in the past. While the devices in our pockets advanced by leaps and bounds every year, assistive hearing technology stagnated. Fortunately, that situation is beginning to change, and those who are hard of hearing are finally reaping some of the rewards of the digital revolution of the…
Troubleshooting Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids provide millions of people all over the country with the gift of hearing. But, as with most technology, things can and do go wrong. You rely on your hearing aid, so it’s a good idea to know how to fix it when it stops working and when to take it to a specialist. Take a…
What Happens During a Hearing Aid Fitting
When you suspect that your hearing is declining, you book an appointment with an audiologist to check to see how bad it really is. They will speak to you about your lifestyle, medications, any issues you’re having and they will work with you to ensure you are given the best possible treatment. One such treatment for hearing…
How an Audiologist Performs Ear Cleaning
If you have experienced any feelings of fullness, blocked ears, minor hearing loss, or symptoms like dizziness or a painful ear, it may be a symptom of an earwax blockage or impaction. If that’s the case, an ear cleaning from your audiologist is both the safest and most effective way of treating it. But how exactly does an…
How to Prevent Tinnitus
Many people have heard of tinnitus, and if you don’t know what it is, it’s a ringing or constant noise that you can hear, and usually no one else can. It can be tough to live with and many people seek treatment for it. There are some steps that you can take to avoid this condition and we…
How Does an Audiologist Assess Hearing Aid Repairs?
Hearing aids are a common solution for people who develop hearing loss. If you’re having trouble hearing and you’ve noticed that it’s getting harder to keep up with conversations or hear the radio, you may turn to your audiologist for advice. If tests confirm hearing loss, your audiologist may recommend wearing hearing aids. Hearing aids are…
How Untreated Hearing Loss Impacts Cognitive Function
With so many individuals experiencing hearing loss, there have been extensive studies to determine the effects this can have on other aspects of your health. From emotional impacts to a greater risk of dementia, untreated hearing loss has been shown to have a number of ramifications on your cognitive function. Hearing loss and cognitive decline In…
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus describes the awareness of a ringing, buzzing or whirring sound in the inner ears that doesn’t come from an external source. The pitch varies from high to low and it can even be in the form of clicks. Those who suffer from tinnitus often talk about it being an annoyance, which is why you want…