What is Sudden Hearing Loss?
For most people who experience hearing loss, the condition comes on gradually over a period of years. In rare cases, an abrupt loss of hearing occurs with little or no warning. This condition is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). What is Sudden Deafness? Sudden deafness is an unexplained and rapid hearing loss that…
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss?
How Can Sounds Hurt Your Ears? Background sound is a constant in our busy lives. Normally, background noises are at safe levels that do not negatively impact our hearing. But repeated exposure to noise above 85 decibels (dB) can cause noise induced hearing loss. The louder the sound, the less amount of time it takes…
Our Safety Precautions against COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
Effective immediately, Sound Advice has implemented the Center of Disease Control (CDC) recommendations as Health Care Providers to ensure the health and safety of both our patients and staff. If new developments should arise with Covid-19, we will respond and keep you informed. Business Hours: Tues 9am-5pm, Weds 11am-7pm, Thurs, Fri and Sat 9am-4pm. Please call…
How to Test, Buy and Change Hearing Aid Batteries
Hearing aids are powered by batteries and, in most cases, they last between three to 10 days. How long they last can depend on a range of factors, such as the type and size of hearing aid, the size of the battery, how you maintain the hearing aid, and more. If you ever need more specific advice…
Prevent Hearing Loss and Tinnitus with Hearing Protection
Your hearing is one of your most important senses, helping you to perceive the world and even keep you safe. Protecting it is essential if you want to avoid hearing loss and other problems such as tinnitus. Your hearing can be damaged more easily than you might think, and spending time around loud noises at work or…
Bluetooth Hearing Aid Technology
Bluetooth technology has grown in recent years and can now be used in many different ways. It’s a wireless technology platform that allows data to be transferred between two different devices, which often means playing sound wirelessly through one device from another. It is used in many different devices, from computers and smartphones to speakers, headphones…
What to expect when getting fitted for hearing aids
If you have hearing loss and you have been advised that hearing aids will benefit you, choosing your hearing aids and having them fitted is the next step. When you get your hearing aids fitted for the first time, you might be uncertain about what’s going to happen. Having your hearing aids fitted is necessary to ensure…
How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aids
You rely on your hearing aids for your day-to-day activities, which makes any kind of repair issue inconvenient to deal with. Because hearing aid repairs can be frustrating to deal with, it’s important to know what you can do to keep your devices in optimal shape. Of course, there are some instances where you can’t prevent a…
Hearing Aids and Insurance
If you have scheduled a hearing test in the near future, then knowing what to expect during this process can be hugely beneficial to your peace of mind. While it is impossible to predict precisely which tests your audiologist may need to conduct, below, we have provided a thorough explanation of the most common hearing tests currently…
Latest Hearing Technology
Hearing aid technology was, for a long time, stuck in the past. While the devices in our pockets advanced by leaps and bounds every year, assistive hearing technology stagnated. Fortunately, that situation is beginning to change, and those who are hard of hearing are finally reaping some of the rewards of the digital revolution of the…